Milí športoví priatelia, Dear sport friends!
Nasledovné pokyny si starostlivo prečítajte, pomôžu Vám zorientovať sa v rôznych situáciách pred a počas podujatia.
Preteky sa uskutočnia podľa pravidiel atletiky World Athletics, súťažného poriadku SAZ a propozícií Košice Peace Half Marathon (KPHM) vydaných organizátorom na rok 2024. Počas celého podujatia rešpektujte pokyny organizátorov!Please carefully read the following instructions, which will help you become familiar with different situations on the day of the race.
The race will take place according to the rules of World Athletics, the SAZ competition rules and the Košice Peace Half Marathon (KPHM) propositions issued by the organizer for 2024.
Follow the Organizers’ instructions throughout the event!POKYNY PRE PRETEKÁROV
ODMENY PRE VÍŤAZOV/PRIZES FOR WINNERSPrajeme Vám príjemný a úspešný športový víkend v Košiciach.
We wish you a pleasant and successful Marathon weekend in Košice.
Terms and conditions of participation in the Košice Peace Half Marathon (hereinafter referred to as KPHM).
Detailed conditions of participation in the KPM are regulated by the General Terms and Conditions, which are binding for every registered Event Participant.ORGANIZER
Marathon Club Košice
Žriedlová 3444/30, P. O. Box F-24, 040 01 Košice-Staré mesto, tel.: +421 55 6220010,
e-mail: info@kosicemarathon.com, Web: www.kosicemarathon.com
Progress Promotion Košice, s. r. o.
Žriedlová 3444/30, 040 01 Košice, tel: +421 55 6228282
E-mail: progress@progress.sk, Web: www.progress.skRULES
Participation and competing in the Košice Peace Marathon are governed by the General Terms, the rules of the World Athletics (WA) and the competition rules of the Slovak Athletics Association (SAZ) and the provisions of these Propositions.
By registering at the Košice Peace Marathon 2024 you receive a special bonus that entitles you to register for the Košice Peace Half Marathon in disciplines Half Marathon and Quarter Marathon, which takes place on May 11, 2024, with a discounted entry fee of 20 EUR. If you are interested in this benefit, first apply for our October running holiday and you will automatically receive the discount code from the registration system. If you will not be able to use it personally, you can transfer it to any person according to your own decision.
May 11, 2024 (Saturday)
Košice, Slovak republicDISCIPLINES
- Half Marathon
- Quarter Marathon
- Mini Marathon
The time limit for the Half Marathon is 2 hours and 45 minutes. The race will end after this limit is reached. For other KPHM disciplines, the Organizer will set a limit with a reasonable time before the Event and will announce it in the Final Instructions document.
KPHM participants on the course after this limit shall themselves bear all the risks associated with it.AGE LIMIT
Half Marathon – 18 years (born 2006 and older)
Quarter Marathon* – 16 years (born 2008 and older)
Mini Marathon** – No age restriction*Participants under the age of 18 may only participate in selected disciplines. When picking up the bib number, they must hand over the written consent of their legal representative. The consent of a legal representative is part of the start Acceptance.
**Participants under the age of 12 years old may only take part in the Minimarathon and only if accompanied by another participant who is 18 years or older and who must also be properly registered for the same discipline.
In addition to the evaluation in absolute order, the Organizer will compile results by assigning the appropriate order in the following age categories:
Half Marathon and Quarter Marathon
M40, W40 (1984 – 1975)
M50, W50 (1974 – 1965)
M60, W60 (1964 – 1955)
M70, W70 (1954 and older)Minimaratón
No age categories.Other disciplines are assessed without any age categories.
KPHM Participants will receive financial rewards and prizes in kind according to a special schedule published here:
PRIZES FOR WINNERS OF KPHM 2023The payment of financial rewards for the first competitors in absolute order will take place after the end of the event by transferring funds to the competitor’s bank account. Winners of individual disciplines and age categories, who are entitled to a reward in terms of the current propositions, will be rewarded by the organizer directly during the announcement of the winners. In the event of their non-participation in this ceremony, they lose their right to a reward.
After verification, the official results in the individual KPM disciplines will be published by the Event Organizer on its website at www.kosicemarathon.com within a reasonable time after the end of the Event.
Protests related to results or that arise during a race discipline must be submitted within 30 minutes of the publication of the results of that discipline. The race Organizers must ensure that the time of the announcement of the results in each discipline is recorded.
Each protest will be made verbally to the Head Referee by a competitor or an official representing the competitor. If the Head Referee is not present, a protest may be submitted to him through the race office.
The appeal must be submitted to the jury within 30 minutes of:
a) the official announcement of the race results, as adjusted by the decision of the Head Referee; or
b) notification of the decision given to the person who lodged the protest, if the result has not been altered.
An appeal must be made in writing, must be signed by the competitor or person representing the competitor, and must be supported by a deposit of 10 EUR. The deposit will be forfeited if the jury finds the protest irrelevant.LIABILITY AND INSURANCE
The Organizer does not offer insurance to participants. The provision of insurance of any type (medical, injury, liability for damage, travel, etc.) is the responsibility of the event Participant. Possible costs for treatment, hospitalization, damage caused and the like shall be borne by the Participant.
The Organizer takes no responsibility for damage to property or health associated with travel, stay and participation of racers in the events. It is the responsibility of a Participant to undergo a relevant health examination prior to the start and to obtain information about his or her own health status in association with the decision to participate in any KPM discipline. Each Participant starts at the Košice Peace Marathon at his or her own responsibility.FINAL PROVISIONS
Detailed terms of participation in the Kosice Peace Marathon are subject to the General Terms and are obligatory to every registered Participant of the Event.
The Organizer reserves the right to change the program, propositions and other conditions without prior notice.
The only method of registration for Events is registration in advance in the on-line registration form, which is available on the Web page of the Organizer at www.kosicemarathon.com. A component of on-line registration on the mentioned Web page is also the payment system set for the payment of the participation fee (hereinafter the Registration Fee).
By registering at the Košice Peace Marathon 2024 you receive a special bonus code that entitles you to register for the Košice Peace Half Marathon in disciplines Half Marathon and Quarter Marathon, which takes place on May 11, 2024, with a discounted entry fee of 20 EUR. If you are interested in this benefit, first apply for our October running holiday and you will automatically receive the discount code from the registration system. If you will not be able to use it personally, you can transfer it to any person according to your own decision.
Entry fee for the Kosice Peace Half Marathon 2024 is scheduled as follows:
If paid Half Marathon Quarter Marathon Mini Marathon by 29th February 24 EUR (20 EUR with bonus code) 24 EUR (20 ERU with bonus code) 12 EUR from 1st March 27 EUR (20 EUR with bonus code) 27 EUR (20 EUR with bonus code) 14 EUR WHAT A PARTICIPANT GETS BY PAYING THE STARTING FEE?
The entry fee is used primarily to cover part of the costs associated with the overall preparation and organization of the event.
As part of this, the Organizer provides the participant with the following, as well as other services and benefits not listed here:- Start number with disposable chip
- Measurement of finishing time
- Medal for reaching the finish within the time limit
- Storage service for personal belongings
- Medical services around course and at finish
- Refreshments around course and at finish
- On-line participant’s diploma
- On-line results list
- Information service – event info sent to participant’s e-mail address
- Other services and benefits will be published on an ongoing basis as more detailed specifications are known
The On-line registration for the Kosice Peace Half Marathon becomes valid only after payment of the entry fee, which must be paid at the same time as your registration.
A registration form which is not submitted simultaneously with payment of the prescribed Registration Fee to the account of the Organizer is incomplete and shall be considered by the Organizer as invalid. The Organizer shall decide whether such a registration is to be left in the records for further communication with the Participant.
1. Payment by card
The following payment cards are accepted:
Master Card
Master Card Electronic
VISA Electron
Diners Club International2. Payment with a registration code
Payment using a registration code is intended mainly for event partners and employers (hereinafter referred to as a Company) that offer participation and starting in individual Events as a benefit for their employees or for other persons based on their own decision.In case of payment with a registration code, all obligations and rights of the participant following from participation in the Event as stated in the General Terms and Conditions remain valid.
Payment with a registration code is not transferable to another Participant or to the following year of the Event.
Registration and receipt of the entry fee payment can be checked by logging into the competitor’s account in the on-line registration section of our website.
The Organizer cannot be held responsible for incorrectly entered details either in your application or in your entry fee payment instructions!
1. The Organizer does not refund a paid Entry Fee.
2. Registered Participant who does not appear at the Presentation, does not pick up his or her bib number and does not make it to the start of the Event has no claim on a refunding of the Registration Fee or any claim for the refunding of possible other payments associated with participation. The Organizer in such a case has no obligation to offer or otherwise substitute an ordered service or to deliver material equipment and objects associated with the start at the Event.
3. It is not possible to shift the registraton fee to the next year of the Košice Peace Half Marathon.
Shifting of a start to another person
1. A registered Participant may request the shifting of the right to start to another person via e-mail and may do so up to the moment when the the on-line registration for the Event is closed. The time of this act is not fixed, is subject to the decision of the Organizer.2. The request for shifting of the right to start must always come from the originally registered Participant. In the case of such a shift, the new Participant shall pay a handling fee in the amount of 10.00 EUR.
3. With the shifting of the right to start to a new Participant the paid Registration Fee and all other paid fees and claims associated with them are also shifted. The approval or rejection of such a request is upon the fulfilment of all conditions in the exclusive authority of the Organizer.
4. Shifting the start to the another participant is not possible if:
a) the Participant is registered for the Event with a registration code which was obtained free of charge as a gift, special benefit or as a prize in various types of competitions, raffles, etc.
b) the participant is registered for the event via a registration code, which is paid for by the employer (another legal entity) and this payment is made only after the event and only for participants who completed the given year of the event
c) the Participant is registered for The Slovak Marathon or Half Marathon Championships,
d) the Participant is member of any loyalty program of the Event,
e) the participation limit set by the Organizer for the selected disciplines has been met,
f) the Participant picked up his or her starting number.This measure does not apply to the KPHM discount bonus code as set out in these propositions.
Change of discipline
Changing the discipline from Half Marathon to Quarter Marathon and vice versa can be done after logging in to the competitor’s account up to the deadline for assigning start numbers and creating start lists. This date is set each year by the Organizer depending on the internal circumstances of the organization of the Event. Any changes regarding the Minimarathon discipline are not possible in this sense.
Košice Peace Half Marathon
The course is designed as a two-circuit and at the same time to suit all three competitive disciplines, is the Half Marathon and the Quarter Marathon and Mini Marathon disciplines.
» MAP OF KPHM – Half Marathon / Quarter Marathon
» MAP OF KPHM – Mini MarathonThe start and finish is located in the pedestrian zone on Hlavná Street in the Dolná brána locality.
One round of the main discipline (Half Marathon) measures 10.549 km and leads through the center of Košice along Hlavná, Komenského, Watsonova, B. Němcovej, Technical University Campus, back to B. Nemcovej, Zimná. After turning point at Zimná back to B. Němcovej, Watsonova, through Festival Square to Československej armády, Moyzesova, and back to Hviezdoslavova, and finally along Main Street to the finish.
In the race itself, Half Marathon runners shall complete two identical rounds.
Runners starting in the Quarter Marathon race run a single round.